Free yourself from the shackles of OCD!

We understand how burdensome and limiting constraints can be. Our experienced team of therapists and psychologists specialize in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and accompany you on your way to a life free from the shackles of compulsions.

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Do you recognize yourself?

You’ve washed your hands for the umpteenth time today, even though they weren’t really dirty?

Are you bothered by a small piece of lint on your floor and have to pick it up right away or would you rather get a vacuum cleaner, broom or mop right away and bring the entire floor „into shape“?

You discover a tiny splash of coffee next to the coffee machine in the kitchen. Instead of taking a rag and wiping away the splash, you decide to clean the whole kitchen right away?

In the first example, if a skin disease is ruled out, you suffer from a compulsion to wash, and in the other two examples, you suffer from a compulsion to clean.

What is not made fun of  by those affected
is difficult for those affected to bear.

What are compulsions or obsessive-compulsive disorders?

In OCD, a person suffers from repetitive compulsive actions, rituals, impulses, and thoughts. The person concerned recognizes them as nonsensical, but perceives them as unavoidable.

It is not an anxiety disorder in the strict sense, although fears also come to light here. However, they are unconscious to the person. The compulsive action serves to suppress or neutralize this unconscious fear. The thoughts and impulses are almost always experienced as torturous and the content can take on a very threatening or even obscene character.

A compulsive act serves to avert this symbolic danger, i.e. as a kind of prevention or magical ritual. This corresponds to the defense mechanism of undoing. Obsessive themes therefore typically revolve around cleanliness and contamination, aggression and violence, sexuality and faith. 

Common compulsive actions in women are compulsions to clean and wash,

In men, it’s more control compulsions.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes a great deal of suffering

Obsessive thoughts are ideas and conceptions that stereotypically occupy those affected. There is a strong similarity to the brooding compulsion in depression, especially since obsessive-compulsive disorders are often accompanied by depressive symptoms, which can also lead to a mixture of the two disorders.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes patients a very high level of suffering, because on the one hand he knows that these thoughts and actions are nonsensical, but he has to think or carry them out again and again.

If compulsive actions are not carried out, an unbearable fear arises. However, even if the compulsive actions, coercive rituals are carried out, doubts (fears) always remain as to whether you have done everything right (and then check for the 20th time whether you have really turned off the stove).

A compulsive act is therefore not perceived as a relief or even as a reward.

Our Approach to Dealing with Compulsions

We believe in a holistic approach to help you overcome your OCD. Our experienced team uses evidence-based therapy methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy, to provide you with the tools and strategies to recognize and challenge your obsessive thoughts, and gradually reduce their power over your life.

Our therapists understand that each person is unique and has individual needs. Therefore, we develop a tailor-made treatment plan that is specifically tailored to your situation. We work closely with you to understand your fears and compulsions and set realistic goals for your recovery together.

Treatment is possible in both psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.


Your Path to a Liberated Life

If you are ready to overcome your constraints and live a more fulfilling life, do not hesitate to contact us. Our empathetic team is ready to help you and guide you on your road to recovery.

Take the first step and get in touch with us.

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