Major depression

Welcome to the Institute of Peace of Mind, a place of understanding, hope and courage.

Depression is a serious condition that affects millions of people around the world. Yet, despite the darkness it brings, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though diagnostics divide the severity of depression into three areas, the suffering of those affected is so great that they usually speak of severe depression. No matter how severe your depression is, our experienced team can help.

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You may be familiar with these thoughts:

Every new day starts the same. When you wake up, you can’t enjoy the chirping of birds or the sun. You just think: „not again“ and at the same time a diffuse fear rises up in you and you ask yourself the question: „what will happen again today?“. As the day progresses, these fears become a little smaller. And yet you are listless, don’t feel like doing anything and even taking out the garbage or emptying the dishwasher is too much for you. You notice that your personal hygiene is suffering, but you don’t care „today“. They have to go to the supermarket because the fridge is empty by now, but that has to wait until the time is up and the store is almost empty.

Unconsciously, you then reach into the closet and put on rather dark clothes. The eye-catching colours or colourful patterns – which you actually love – stay in the closet according to the motto: „just don’t attract attention and hopefully no one will appeal to me“. Once you’ve made it and are back in your protected environment, what you just wanted to lovingly cook goes into the fridge. You don’t feel like cooking „great“ right now.

With the darkness of the night, it also gets darker inside you again. You go to bed and the heavy thoughts are circling. And it takes what feels like an eternity until you finally fall asleep. You wake up several times during the night and find it difficult to get back to sleep and suddenly the new day is here and everything starts all over again – but unfortunately you don’t feel any better.

If you have a partner or a child or both, it’s even worse for you. They feel powerless but have to „function“. They try to cope with everyday life and their most ardent wish is for peace. You suffer and so does your environment. It’s getting quieter around you – but you won’t find the peace and quiet you crave.

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Depression is a serious illness and requires treatment

From a medical point of view, depression is a serious condition. It has a profound influence on the thoughts, feelings and actions of those affected. It is associated with disorders of brain and other bodily functions and causes considerable suffering. People suffering from depression are rarely able to free themselves from their depressed mood, listlessness and negative thoughts on their own.

The colloquial use of the term depression can be misleading. If a person suffering from depression or their relatives assume that joylessness, depressed mood and hopelessness are understandable reactions to existing life problems and not an expression of an independent, treatable illness, there is a high risk that no professional help (from a doctor or psychotherapist) will be sought.


However, depression in the medical sense, like any other illness, also requires treatment. Depression is characterized by certain signs of illness (so-called symptoms). If these occur over at least two weeks, the diagnosis of depression is made.


These are the main symptoms of depression

Depressed, depressed mood: 

Depression is often accompanied by a depressed, depressed mood. Some sufferers also report inner emptiness and the inability to perceive their own feelings (including negative ones). They say they feel petrified.

Lack of interest or joy

People with depression lose interest in things and activities that used to be meaningful to them. For example, hobbies, work, leisure activities or joint activities with family or friends are no longer fun. Interest in it has been „lost“.


Other Symptoms of Major Depression

Lack of drive or increased fatigue
In the context of depression, the drive is often disturbed, i.e. those affected find it difficult to pull themselves together. Even taking care of everyday things such as shopping, tidying up, working, etc. can take a lot of effort, quickly lead to fatigue and sometimes simply cannot be managed. It is also difficult to make decisions: the person concerned has the feeling that whatever he or she decides to do, it is wrong.

Decreased concentration and attention
 In depression, the environment no longer reaches the person suffering from depression properly, things do not appeal to him. That’s why sufferers often can’t remember what happened recently and then worry about having Alzheimer’s dementia, for example.

Feelings of guilt and worthlessness and decreased self-esteem
People suffering from depression usually blame themselves, not family members, colleagues or society. They feel like they don’t deserve the care of others. Also, self-esteem and self-confidence are almost always impaired in depression.

Hopelessness about the future
Depression is always accompanied by the feeling of not being able to get out of the situation. Those affected often see no way out.

Suicidal thoughts/actions
In those affected by depression, there is often the desire to somehow escape the situation, which is perceived as hopeless and hopeless, even to the point of the thought of harming themselves.

Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders, usually difficulty falling asleep and an early awakening are also typical symptoms of depression.

Changes in appetite
In depression, the appetite is often altered, often the food no longer tastes good, which can lead to weight loss. The opposite can also be true.

Psychomotor restlessness or slowing down
In depression, those affected can also suffer from a pronounced inner restlessness. They can hardly relax, feel driven and constantly walk up and down, for example. The opposite can also occur and those affected appear significantly slowed down in their movement or speech, for example.

Depressed people usually develop different fears. Example: Even if they have done „nothing bad“, they are afraid to go to the mailbox, their email inbox, or answer a phone call where they do not know the phone number or it is suppressed.

Diffuse fears
In depression, those affected can develop diffuse fears. You can’t name them specifically.  They are „simply“ afraid that something could happen.


Depression is curable

The psychiatrists and therapists of our institute are trained to treat this disease. Depending on the individual clinical picture, they will work out the best possible form of therapy for you, discuss it with you and carry it out.

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