Hypnosis for weight loss: Discover a whole new way to lose weight permanently!

If you have made many unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, hypnosis can be a revolutionary way to achieve your goal. Our experienced hypnotherapists will help you reprogram your subconscious mind to establish healthy eating habits, control appetite and increase motivation for physical activity. Say goodbye to diets and willpower – with hypnosis you can lose weight permanently and live a healthy, happy life.

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Hypnose zur Gewichtsreduktion: Entdecken Sie eine ganz neue Art, dauerhaft Gewicht zu verlieren!

Get out of the diet spiral

„I’ve tried everything and in the end I’m getting better every time“

We hear this sentence from 99 percent of our clients. In doing so, you are doing more than the usual diet in any colorful magazine asks of you. They move and do sports and yet „the bacon roll remains on their stomach“ or within a few weeks after the end of the diet they are not „only“ back to their old weight – no, they also have several kilos on top.

or are they more of the „miracle cure“ type of diet club?

Yes – losing weight also works here. At least as long as you adhere to the prescribed diet plans, diligently count points and buy expensive products from the club in the supermarket. However, if you stop the diet, the „yo-yo effect“ strikes mercilessly.

Our recommendation: Before you pay expensive membership fees every month and dig deep into your pockets for club products, it’s better to buy shares in these companies. You will enjoy the weight gain of your wallet.

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Aber es gibt doch jetzt
eine Spritze gegen Übergewicht?!

Die „Wunderspritze“
die eigentlich für Diabetiker ist

Ohne Diät innerhalb von WOCHEN 15 Prozent des Körpergewichts verlieren? Ja das geht! Dafür brauchen Sie „nur“ eine wöchentliche Spritze der Medikamente Ozempic, Wegovy oder Mounjaro. Wobei die Abnehmgeschwindigkeit bei letzterem sogar noch 12 Pfund mehr sind.

All diese Medikamente sind sowohl in Europa wie in den USA verschreibungspflichtig. Die Krankenkassen beteiligen sich an den Kosten nur bei Diabetes. In den USA schlagen Mounjaro und Ozempic mit rund 1,000 $ monatlich zu buche. Wegovy sogar mit 1,350 $. In Europa zahlen Sie im Monat im Durchschnitt mindestens 300 €.

Nicht zu vergessen die Nebenwirkungen: Der Beipackzettel liest sich nicht wie eine Wunschliste für Weihnachten. Nimmt man die Mittel ohne ärztliche Aufsicht besteht die Möglichkeit das man an Schilddrüsenkrebs und Pankreatitis (Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse) erkrankt. Auch Nierenversagen ist nicht ausgeschlossen. Bei Ozempic können auch weniger ernste, aber immer noch schwächende Symptome wie Übelkeit, Erbrechen und rasende Herzschläge auftreten.

With the treatment types of the Institute of Peace of Mind, these serious side effects are SAFELY excluded.

In addition, you can usually deduct the costs for hypnotherapy from your taxes – the significantly higher costs for the diabetes injection probably cannot.

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How does hypnosis for weight loss work?
> Guaranteed SAFE and WITHOUT side effects!


During every diet you’ve tried so far, you’ve also banned yourself from certain foods. They knew: you need to eat a lot fewer calories to lose weight. The high-calorie favorite food was then either not available at all or only when people were starving beforehand.

Hypnosis does NOT work through PROHIBITIONS!

With a successful hypnosis treatment – such as the one offered by the Institute for Peace of Mind – you will not constantly have in the back of your mind: „Don’t eat this, don’t eat that, that has way too many calories…“.

These prohibitions wear you down and at some point you don’t feel like it anymore and eat what you feel like eating. And the cycle with the familiar yo-yo effect and weight gain starts all over again.

Our Holistic Approach to Weight Loss
Gastric band therapy

Through years of intensive research, we have the right therapy for every weight problem. It doesn’t matter if you „only“ want to get rid of 10 kg permanently or 50 kg. Our therapies differ according to your specific wishes.

Do you suffer from severe overweight (obesity), but you are not yet so overweight that your health insurance company will pay for a surgical gastric band? In Germany, this procedure is only covered from a BMI of 35 or more and only if you have unsuccessfully participated in weight loss cures. In other words, the cures in which „delicious“ soups are served, in which more eyes look in than fat eyes look out.

The Institute for Peace of Mind believes that even a BMI lower than 35 can be harmful to health. That’s why we offer the hypnotic gastric band to those who do not have enough weight for the cash registers. This therapy is less risky and gentler than surgery and is usually more promising in terms of weight reduction


„It’s easier in a group“

For successful weight loss, our institute also offers group therapy. If it is easier for you to reduce your weight with the support of the group, you are welcome to participate in it – in addition to your individual therapy. Just talk to your therapist.

Successful weight loss at a fair price

The introductory appointment (usually by phone or zoom) is completely free of charge for you. In this consultation, you can ask your most important questions and at the same time your therapist will determine whether you may be suffering from any illnesses for which hypnotherapy should be discouraged.

No matter how much weight you want to lose:

Our basic therapy consists of a total of 3 sessions
(first session 2 hours, the other two one hour each).

We offer this basic therapy
for a package price


from 499 €/$.

The subsequent sessions –
you decide for yourself whether you need them

from 125 €/$

The fee for participation in the 90-minute group session (incl. hypnosis application) is

39 €/$.

What our customers say

Your weight loss text could have been mine. There was hardly a diet that I didn’t do. Thanks to the institute, I now have my ideal weight and keep it! Was it difficult for me? No, not at all. I booked the package and then did another session at intervals of 2 months. Jojo, thanks to peace of mind, is history for me.

Jeannette T.

I’m so glad I found this therapy and did it too! From 94 to 68 kg within 11 months with a height of 1.72m. It wasn’t difficult for me because I didn’t have any prohibitions (don’t eat this, don’t eat that) in my head. I attended group therapy for 6 months and met people there who are now my friends. Thank you!

Maika P.

I have always been overweight and have always liked to eat too much. Due to health problems, kilos urgently had to come down. A friend had recommended peace of mind to me. My doctor, my wife and I are satisfied that I have managed to lose weight. The best thing after the therapy is that I still like to eat and enjoy it. My next therapy will be quitting smoking and I can do that too!

Rolf K.

Your way to a healthy body weight

If you’re ready to transform your body and health, weight loss hypnosis is the way to go. Get rid of diets and endless weight fluctuations and discover a whole new way to lose weight permanently. Start your journey to a healthy body weight and improved well-being today.

Get in touch with us!

Our empathetic team is ready to help you and guide you along the way. Change your life with hypnosis and achieve your desired weight in a positive and sustainable way.

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